Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Truth About Lying

            Weaving throughout the depths and about the seams of society are lies. In between the stitches of the present are lies. Beneath the fabric of the future are lies. Lying is inevitable. Everybody lies. Whether you’re lying directly to someone, or indirectly or even to yourself… you can’t escape it. Lying is just too believable, because the truth (being the antonym of lies) can be quite unbelievable. That is what makes lying so common. The truth is hard. Lying is simple, easy. People just can’t face the cold, hard face of the truth, where truth is reality. We take the easy way out. We lie.
 Society is a quilt continuing on and on; weary stitches clinging onto history. History however, is faded with our lies. As is our present. Some events, so buried with lies, we aren’t sure what to believe. Although, sometimes it is good for us not to know the entire truth about everything there is to know. I know, my point (the truth is hard and lying is good) is very unbelievable. But doesn’t that make it the truth?
 But every lie is created for a reason unlike the truth, which is fact. And reasons can be for a purpose of true worthy or for hurt. And lying is often stereotyped as an untrustworthy deed of evil, which I believe to be incorrect. Just because something has potential of hurt, does not shame all purposes it has for good. Lies have good intentions…So let me give you the truth about lying.
             Parents are dedicated to upbringing a child that will flourish to their entire potential. But in the process, they have to protect them from knowledge. Knowledge, for our sake of humanity, is not good to have too much of; especially at a young age. Knowledge can be as hard as the truth, and to protect a child’s innocence and purity, they must blind them from that forbidden knowledge. And to do that, they might have to lie a little bit about how things really are; they have to protect them from the scary truths.  Parents, also for the benefit for their child, will lie about these commonly known mythical creatures: Santa, St. Nick, Easter Bunny, Leprechauns, etc… These myths are intended for the fun and joy of children. They are what children believe in, because magical beings are such fun in their minds and help develop their imaginations. And with that, more and more jobs these days are intertwined with using creativity and imagination, because more than half of the top 8 jobs incorporating imagination involve technical development, which dominates most of America’s citizens’ careers.[1]   Kids, of course, are too ignorant to disobey or not to believe their parents, which makes lying for the parents much, much easier. So when they tell their child to clean their room before dark or else the Laundry Monster will come out and eat them…they’ll believe it. That was what my parents told me as a child, and now it’s a natural routine to clean and reorganize my room before I go to bed. And what all started that routine? A lie.
               The U.S. Government also has a role with lies. We can’t expect such a large organization to tell the whole truth about all of its operations…that just doesn’t happen. When people suspect lies coming from the government, they assume that conspiracies are occurring. Supposing that all of the possible conspiracy acts are true, we can pull out all of the reasons why it’s good that they’re lying to us. The John F. Kennedy shooting of the 1960s, Airforce training exercises  going wrong every time something happens to a jet , and the Vietnam war really being about something else (like drugs and money) are all for the benefit for the U.S.A. because even if they do lie about some of these specific events, it is for our own good. If they wanted us to know what really occurred with all of these happenings, they would tell us.  If they did, however, tell the truth about the shootings, crashes, and wars, dire actions could take place. We would probably revolt against the government because they lied to us. Or, it is also a possibility for some people to think that aliens were taking over if there was an unidentified object that crashed an Airforce Jet, which would also start a chaotic stage in the US as well. Either way, we should be happy they lied to us, because we do not want our country to crash all because of stupid white lies…. (Assuming that the conspiracies are true of course.)
                Lying also takes its effect in random places of society. People of all different locations lie for one reason: to protect others. When shopping, someone might ask their companion or “shopping partner” for advice about clothing. They might ask this common question: “Does this make me look fat?” And considering the obesity rate in the US is 35.7%[2], it wouldn’t surprise me if the answer was yes”. But of course, they would lie and say “no”, to protect their self esteem and confidence. Self respect is far too valuable to lose, and people these days will do anything to keep it intact. Even lie.
                As you can see, lying is inevitable. Everybody lies. Because lies are the true stitches of society. Without them, other practical events wouldn’t happen in the sheet fabric of the future. They bind us together, a positive force that pulls the remaining threads into a tie of time. They blind us together, as we are all victims of lies. But everyone has to be in the dark sometimes, we might as well accept the truth…Although, the truth is hard. Lying is simple, easy.



[1]  (Better Job Advice)
[2]  (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

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