Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Page 68 of Fahrenheit 451

'"Here now," said Montag. "We'll start over again, at the beginning."'
This is important because even though he is talking about how they should try to comprehend the book by going/reading slowly, it also takes on a double-meaning, because they have to start over (in life) but can never go back because the information will haunt them forever (especially Montag). It is foreshadowing possible changing events in Part 2 of the book. 


  1. I liked how your response was short and to the point. You didn't add too many details where it took away from the true meaning of the quote, yet you added enough information where it still allowed the reader to comprehend. The only small detail I wish you would've added is a little bit more about why he can never go back.

  2. I liked how you described what the quote meant.

  3. I liked your analysis of the quote and there's nothing that I would add or change. You really captured the meaning of the line without saying too little or too much.
