Thursday, March 29, 2012

Alaska's Purpose (SS Essay)

Everything has a purpose: People have individual purposes that are meant to be found in a lifetime. Plants produce air and sugar, and are meals for animals. Oceans carry ships and provide air and vital food for the aquatic life homing there. And states produce what they are known for. Wisconsin, for example, provides dairy exports across the U.S. along with wheat and grains. Georgia is the Peach/Fruit state, and because of the warm climates, perfect for fruit, they are able to produce many. Alaska, however…what is its purpose? Is it to house plants and animals? Um, probably not its main purpose, because all states have animals. You see, when people have talents or certain qualities, they usually incorporate that into their life’s purpose. Plants are only good for survival, which indefinitely helps other living creatures throughout their lifetime. Oceans also are only good for their currents and water in which it is given. States possess certain key qualities and have certain features that allow them to do their purpose. Without the farmlands, Wisconsin wouldn’t be able to do its purpose. Without Georgia’s sunny weather, they wouldn’t be able to grow fruit. Alaska, well, it was given the gift of oil. And if we somehow don’t recover the oil from the grounds below, how will Alaska be able to perform its purpose?

Without drilling now, we are forced to supply upon foreign oil. And sadly, every dollar we send to the Middle East, Venezuela, and Russia only richens the communists and terrorists attempting to harm the U.S.[1] Sure, we provide for ourselves a bit currently (only about 3%),[2] but we consume so much oil, that it wouldn’t/doesn’t make a difference after six months.[3] But if we drill, not only does it benefit Alaska so it can resume its purpose as a state, but it will also help us greatly as an economy.

The drilling and land development would create thousands of jobs. That would help us immensely, considering one of biggest issues we are trying to solve is job loss. More specifically however, Alaska’s OCS could produce almost 10 billion barrels of oil and 15 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, create around 55,000 new jobs and produce $145 billion in new payroll nationally, generating a total of $193 billion in government profits through the year 2057.[4] Opening oil fields in Alaska would also decrease U.S. dependency on petroleum imports from the Middle East and Latin America, boost the revenue of American oil companies, would lower the price of oil for American oil consumers, would increase federal, state, and local tax revenues, and lower our trade deficit.[5]And obviously, all of this would lead us to a great, positive, economic boom. This oil could be the ticket back to a newer, fresher, and stronger economy. And if the oil is our ticket, we’ll still need to ride the rest of the journey in order to get to our destination of a reborn economy, and along that journey, we'll need all forms of energy, and this could be the start.[6]

Concern for a topic such as this, is aimed towards more of the environmental side usually. But we get so distracted by this sometimes, that we don’t even realize or think about the actual people of Alaska. The truth of the matter is that the Inupiat people of Alaska are all for the drilling. [7]They realize that, yes, so far we have kept our promises for not drilling in restricted areas, so they figure that we should drill for reward. However, that is not their main logic. They know that the drilling would richen their tiny poor area, and the economy within the area would dramatically rise economy-wise in a positive matter. And any help we can manage into our devastated economy will help.
                Since the oil is deep underground and people state that it will clearly take years to reclaim…then why complain about it? I mean, why do we have any reason not to start now? It’s not like the prices on foreign oil are going to go down anytime soon, so why shouldn’t we take the initiative to start doing something productive? I’m not sure. But we might as well start on the thirteen-year drill[8] now before we regret it when we can’t afford oil at all.

Alternative energy sources are the future, but for right now they're too expensive and underdeveloped, so oil from ANWR could help fuel the world economy in the meantime.[9] Of course if we had the opportunity to grasp the use of substitutable energy supplies, we would. I mean, who wouldn’t? If we completely waste Earth’s supply of oil…that would affect us greatly and negatively considering everything is affected by the next.

Once we start drilling, Alaska will finally be known for its purpose. It is predicted to be the 8th largest oil province in the world, ahead of Libya, Nigeria, Russia and Norway.[10] This will make up for all 53 years it has not been known for anything meaningful or productive. And Alaska will finally own the proud title of contributing great amounts of oil to America’s economy and society.

 Alaska: The Oil State.

[1]  (EcoWorld)
[2] Document B
[3] Document A
[4]  (Starr)
[5]  (Messerli)
[6]  (Alaska Oil Dispute)
[7] Document D
[8]  (Alaska Oil Dispute)
[9]  (EcoWorld)
[10]  (Starr)

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