Dance: The Hardest Sport

Dance is not only a sport, but is also one of the most difficult sports (along with cheerleading). Every time I refer to dance as a sport, someone always has to say that “dance isn’t a sport!” Personally, I think that they just don’t understand it; and if they did, then they would understand the difficulty of it. Or maybe it’s because it’s a female-dominant sport, and just because of that, boys and some girls have to say that it isn’t a sport. Whatever the reason for disbelief, I am here, writing this piece to try to illustrate the qualities of dance, to show that it truly is a sport…and the hardest one at that.
First of all, some people aren’t sure exactly what sport technically means. Looking it up, I found that it supports my theory. “The definition of a sport,” according to Webster’s, “Is an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others. Synonyms: fun - game - play – amusement.”
A synonym of sport as stated earlier is “fun” or “amusement”.  Considering all of the girls in dance, I am certain that they would say they enjoy or have fun dancing.  Certainly, it is apparent that boys play football because it is fun – hence the word, “play”.  Football really is the easier sport considering people say “play football”, and they don’t say “play dance”.  I think when it comes down to it, boys say dance isn’t a sport simply because they probably don’t like it or don’t think it’s “fun” -  girls tend to like dancing more than boys – at least that appears to be so.
Dance teams (like one that I’m in) obviously compete, and although it may not be as often, it takes the same or an even more amount of practice time to do so. Most boys try to prove their point by saying we “don’t compete”… but we really do. That’s what we train for, just like them.  Our competitions are generally not as often because it takes more time to perform and showcase our practice, and to receive a gold medal or two. And it is definitely not easier to win a dance competition than it is to win a simple football game considering we do not have one team opponent but many dance teams.   And, the dance competition may take approximately 6 hours, not 3 hours like a football game.
If someone on a football team doesn’t show up to the game, then it hurts the whole team. That’s the same way it is in dance, only worse. We all have unique parts in a dance, and we cannot simply replace that person if they do not show up to a competition because it would affect the entire dance; because dance is much more complicated than a football game. This shows that we are also a team, and strengthens my point that we are a true team, like any other football or soccer team.
The “skill” I was talking about earlier that it takes to perform, is very hard work; and is much more hard work than the few facts in this paragraph, but this is just the gist of dancing, or what basic things you need to remember when dancing… After learning the moves of a combination and getting a general understanding of them, you have to continuously work at it to improve the muscle memory so you can perform them without hesitation. When done with that (which usually takes at least overnight) you have to work on the technique, or the skill of the moves to get them perfect. That requires, pointing or flexing hands or feet drastically, arm placement, expressions (on your face), head direction and where you’re supposed to be looking, straightening or bending your legs at a certain time, performing it sharper, performing it with higher energy, performing it “bigger” or “exaggerate” the moves, and (most importantly), make a connection to the story that the dance is trying to tell…
Obviously, dancing requires a ton of energy, and even before the time the three (or more) hour practice is over, you will be drenched with sweat, especially after ballet. It involves concentrated energy and even if you’re not running or full-out sprinting on a grassy field, you’re panting, because slower is harder. The reason that slowness it harder, is because it takes more balance and stamina to hold an uncomfortable and unnatural position that requires a lot of strength. But like I said, you have to make a connection to the music and movements, to understand exactly what it is you’re dancing for. So, dance requires not only physical exertion, but thought too. And I feel that that makes it all the more important and difficult.
Dance is a true sport, and is harder than any other sport I have seen on TV. If people deny that because they don’t understand, then maybe they should look up the definition of sport and if that doesn’t persuade them, then they should actually try it. If that still doesn’t convince them, then just let them think what they want because they definitely just do not understand. Or, they just don’t want to admit it, because they know that dance is unquestionably and undeniably harder than any other sport.
By Tori Johnson