Friday, October 26, 2012

The Spark

Author's Note: This is my Patriot's Pen Essay. I tried to make it as creative as possible... but since its based on history it was a kind of hard. Hope you like it anyways! 

You were the initial spark. You fed the flame air and it took to a blaze. You contemplated into the future, knowing the flame would not die—not even 236 years into the future. So I thank you. Thanks for the spark to the burning fire of America.

 We live in a proud America, and looking back we see war and struggle, and we see our founding fathers, fighting. That is why they bring sparks to the cold times. They brought warmth and life to this country. Slavery, gifts, and thinking out of the box should be thought of when we think of our fathers—they should be thanked for everything they did.

Thank you…

Looking at slavery today, we are disgusted. However, without slavery, we wouldn’t have had additional soldiers to the Revolutionary war. Our slaves fought along with us, giving America more numbers. Without them, we wouldn’t have gotten much done in those trying times. And without bringing them to America, African-Americans would still be living in Africa—dying of all causes. Today, they have the same rights as everyone else. Again, our fathers did an act of good and should be appreciated.
For everything…

In particular, they should be appreciated for their gifts. They were gifted with foresight and futuristic wisdom. Only 26 amendments have been made to the original writings, such as The Constitution, Bill of Rights and The Declaration of Independence. We have not had many issues with their first postings. Mostly, if they are not known for their bravery, then they should be known for their intelligence.

You did…

Intelligence goes with creativity and having to learn on the job. Benjamin Franklin ended up creating bifocals, the lightning rod, the Franklin Stove and an odometer. Most of these we still use today! And George Washington, being the first president, was very good at working under stupendous pressures. He used his own knowledge, inventing mobile ways to fight in a war—which is a style we still use today. These little things are what separated us from Great Britain.
For America…

Without the spark and a nurtured flame, the blaze would not burn today. It is strong; anyone can see that. So, we should thank our founders, think of them as our heroes, our family. Think of everything they did. Think of everything they are. Think of who they did this for.

For us.